Latest videos
“Impression Series”
Impression Series - Arte Institute
“Ten Impressions of Rose and Sea” Book Launch at Poets House
Dez impressões de ROSA e MAR
“Ten impressions of Rose and Sea”
The Heart is A Drowning Object - Artists Proof Editions
Interview in Studio
“Porto/Paris/New York” Exhibition and Book launch
Meet the Artist
National Poetry Month in the US-PBBI - Fresno State - Katherine…
Porto Canal Interview
“Porto - Paris - New York” Book Launch
Rooster Gallery
“Ten Impressions of Rose and Sea” - Paris - Arte Institute
“Impression Series” -
Impression Series - Arte Institute -
“Ten Impressions of Rose and Sea” Book Launch at Poets House -
Dez impressões de ROSA e MAR -
“Ten impressions of Rose and Sea” -
The Heart is A Drowning Object - Artists Proof Editions -
Interview in Studio -
“Porto/Paris/New York” Exhibition and Book launch -
Meet the Artist -
National Poetry Month in the US-PBBI - Fresno State - Katherine… -
Porto Canal Interview -
“Porto - Paris - New York” Book Launch -
Rooster Gallery -
“Ten Impressions of Rose and Sea” - Paris - Arte Institute -
Impressions camelia