Included in the show, are: “Ten Impressions of Rose and Sea” a collaboration with poet Nuno Júdice, the title for his poems is the one chosen also for this specific group of paintings. This work was created in 2015 and a book was published in 2016, by Pagine d’Arte in portuguese/english/french.
We agreed as a method that I created 10 paintings and he created 10 poems as a response to my artwork, originating an open-ended dialog between poetry and painting, creating new dimensions of meaning and experience. This is also a tribute to the late Nuno Júdice, whose recent untimely passing has left a void in the world of letters. In memoriam, this exhibition serves as a testament to Júdice’s enduring legacy, celebrating his contributions to the realms of poetry and artistic collaboration.
“Snow Studies – Atmospheres” – Impressions series, 2004 -2024, two paintings included in this show, are a reflection on the beauty and poetic nature of winter with the nostalgic feeling of seasons. With the underlying desire of sustainability and changing weather patterns. Symbolism and meaning, nature and sustainability, and our perception of time are all themes that inspired the artwork in this exhibition.
This exhibition is in the context of the celebration of 500 years of Camoes with the patronage of the Embassy of Portugal to the United Nations in New York, The Consulate General of Portugal in New York and Camões Institute.
“…strolling through the garden of camellia and lemon trees in Isabel Pavão’s orchard teaches us to ignore everything we took for granted.”
“…deambular pelo jardim de cameleiras e pelos limoeiros no pomar de Isabel Pavão, ensina a ignorar tudo o que tínhamos por certo.”
Rosa Alice Branco
Inauguracão/Opening, Sábado/Saturday, 24 de Fevereiro/February 17:30h
The «Impressions of Camellia and Lemon» series is a deeply reflective visual exploration on nature, childhood, beauty, and origin stories/memories.
The personal connection to camellias and lemons, is linked to memories of my childhood garden, being a source of inspiration. These plants symbolize cultural migrations and ancient histories, reflecting the interest of ancestral origins in the Middle East (Syria) and back to the Orient (China and Japan). The series also delves into emotional symbols of love, sorrow, abundance, survival, resilience, hope, and beauty.
This project combines a historical/conceptual dimension with an emotional/poetical dimension, constructing an autobiographical narrative. It contemplates the experience of time, exploring suspended time, «in-between» moments, and a voyage through time, transcending the boundaries of past and future. Time is portrayed as a contextual illusion. This series was conceived from 2018 until now.
Isabel Pavao will be participating with her solo show at the Embassy of Portugal in Washington DC, in the event “Art All Night “ is a free arts event in its 11th year in Washington DC, modeled after the famous arts festival in Paris, Nuit Blanche. The festival attracts 17,000 patrons last year to the art galleries and embassies around Dupont Circle. The date will be Saturday, September 24 from 7:00-12:00 midnight. To learn more, visit www.artallnightdupont.org
A Cooperativa Árvore apresenta a Exposição “Respigadores”, de 3 a 24 de Setembro.
A inauguração acontece no dia 3 de Setembro, às 17h30.
“RESPIGADORES” é um projecto que visa recuperar e tornar visível o processo dos artistas, mostrando esquissos, apontamentos, rascunhos.
A 22.ª edição da Bienal Internacional de Arte de Cerveira decorre até 31 de dezembro, sob o tema “We must take action!”
Foi inaugurada, em Macedo de Cavaleiros, a primeira edição da Bienal de Arte Contemporânea de Trás-os-Montes que irá decorrer até 29 de setembro.
Intitulado “Linha de Água por causa dos recursos naturais que Macedo de Cavaleiros e o Nordeste Transmontano têm, o Azibo, o Sabor e o Douro…”
“Orgulho de estar na 1ª Bienal de Trás os Montes!”
Isabel Pavão Exhibition at Dsgnrr Gallery |
Isabel’s solo exhibition “Impression Series” opened on 14 June, from 6pm and will run until 5th July 2022. You are invited to the launch and signing event for her new book: Porto – Paris – New York. You can RSVP, separately for that event on June 28th |
RSVP for Private Viewing or Book Launch 14. June – 05. July 2022 – Book Launch 28. June – Book Launch Brooklyn Navy Yard, Building 77, Unit 1313 |